Tuesday, November 19, 2019

4 Truths About Coconut Water Backed By Research

What Is Coconut Water?

Naturally refreshing, coconut water has a sweet, nutty taste. It contains easily digested carbohydrates in the form of sugar and electrolytes.
In recent years, coconut water has become a very trendy beverage.
It’s tasty, refreshing and also happens to be good for you.
What’s more, it’s loaded with several important nutrients, including minerals that most people don’t get enough of.

Here are 3 truths benefits of coconut water.

1. Electrolyte Replacement: Coconut Water vs. Sports Drink

Because coconut water is high in potassium, and such a great electrolyte replacement, it has even been used for IV hydration in certain emergency situations.
It is also lower in carbohydrates compared to other sports drinks. Coconut water is only about 4.5 percent carbohydrates whereas other sports drinks can contain 6–8 percent carbohydrate concentration. This is good for athletes trying to watch their sugar intake and hydrate after an event. For most casual exercisers, coconut water is a great low-sugar hydration choice for after a workout.

2. Better Than Some Sugary Drinks

Coconut water has less sugar than many sports drinks and much less sugar than sodas and some fruit juices. Plain coconut water could be a better choice for adults and kids looking for a beverage that is less sweet.

3. It’s Low in Calories.

Unlike plain water, coconut water is not entirely calorie-free, but at 42 calories per serving (240g) it’s still a pretty low-calorie drink. This makes it an awesome replacement for any one of your regular, sugar-sweetened drinks and when used like this, coconut water can help you reach your weight goals.

4. Relieves Headaches

Dehydration is one of the major triggers for headaches, and coconut water is touted to be one of the best natural remedies for instant hydration.
Migraine patients have low levels of magnesium and coconut water with their high levels of magnesium helps reduce the frequency of migraine attacks

The Bottom Line

Coconut water is a delicious, nutritious and natural beverage that’s extremely good for you.
It may benefit your heart, blood sugar, kidney and more.

How Much Should You Consume?

Coconut water can be enjoyed as a stand-alone beverage or combined with another liquid product. There is no hard and fast rule regarding the amount that should be consumed on a daily basis, but experts from the Mayo Clinic strongly suggest that you consider maintaining an active lifestyle if consuming large amounts of coconut water since each eight ounce serving is accompanied by 45 to 60 calories.
When searching for the perfect fresh coconut to enjoy, be sure to steer clear of those that have a hard brown shell as this is an indication that it is mature. Instead, look for those that are young and green on the exterior as they usually contain a large supply of the actual coconut water substance. To test it out, simply shake the coconut up and down to gauge how much liquid it contains.

15 Wonderful Benefits Of Longans Fruit

Longan is a delicious tropical fruit which contains anti-aging properties, improves skin , nourishes the blood, increases circulation, and enhances memory. The fruit’s amazing fitness benefits also include boosting the nervous system, improving immunity, lowering blood pressure, calming the body, and treating insomnia and dizziness. In Chinese traditional medicine, it is used to increase the Qi (energy) of the heart, and as a sexual and beauty tonic.

Extraordinary in number 9 !

What is Longan?

Longan is the fruit of the longan tree (which is scientifically known as Dimocarpus longan). It looks like a berry or a grape and tastes mildly juicy and sweet.  Longan is classified within the larger group of soapberries, which is composed of other exotic fruits, such as lychee, ackee, salt lime, and guarana, among others. It is commonly called dragon’s eye fruit because the flesh of the fruit is pale white with a black seed right in the middle.
As the fruit ripens, the outer layer of skin forms into a hardened shell, so that when they are harvested, the fruit can easily be freed from the shell. Before eating the inner part of the fruit, the seed should be removed, but the essential oils of these seeds are often used for medicinal purposes. [1] It has only recently been introduced to the rest of the world and is now experiencing another resurgence in popularity as a good food.Native to Southern Asia, longan has been cultivated and harvested for generations, and its first recorded use is actually more than 2,000 years ago. This fruit is not only an important culinary element but also a popular tool in traditional medicine in Asia, thanks to its unique nutrient profile.

Longan Nutrition Facts

Longan is extremely low in calories, with less than 20 calories present in an ounce of these small fruits. There are also very few carbohydrates found in these fruits, which is good for those on a ketogenic diet. However, longan is an excellent source of potassium and vitamin C, as well as copper, magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese, in addition to numerous B vitamins, including folic acid. [2] The fruit also boasts certain antioxidant polyphenols like corilagin, gallic acid, and ellagic acid that can increase the overall wellness of the body.

Let’s take a look at some of the most fitness benefits of longan:

1.Skin Care

Vitamin C, present in high amounts in longan, is vital for collagen synthesis,  which keeps the skin firm.It provides antioxidant protection against ultraviolet radiation and clears out the oxidative stress in your system. In traditional Chinese medicine, longan soup is a time-tested recipe known to add luster and suppleness to the skin.


Longan can help eliminate wrinkles, age spots, as well as blemishes and the appearance of scars. The flesh of the fruit contains vitamins B and C as well as antioxidants, which have anti-aging properties and minimize dryness, as well as the cracking and peeling of skin.

3.Boosts Libido

Longan tonics have been popular since time immemorial with Chinese women to increase their sensuality and appearance. The fruit helps to increase energy and stave off fatigue.

4.Irregular Thoughts

The dried berry has a calming effect and is used to treat anxiety and sleeplessness. In traditional Chinese medicine, longan tea made by steeping Chinese red dates and dried longans in hot water, which helps to reduce anxiety as well as warm the body in winter months.

5.Help Insomnia

In a study, it was found that longan extract has anxiolytic activity, which prolonged sleep time in people. The flesh of the fruit and tissues in its seeds are often used in Chinese tonics to enhance calmness and induce deep, rejuvenating sleep.

6.Blood Tonic

There are trace amounts of iron in longan, which can help to stimulate the production of red blood cells and boost circulation. With proper blood flow, you will have resources delivered to key parts of the body, as well as oxygen, which can increase energy and prevent the symptoms of anemia.

7.Nourish the body

Due to the extremely low number of calories found in longan, it is extremely effective in losing weight. The nutrient density can help to suppress the appetite, despite being able to eat as many of these fruits as you want without any real fear of compromising on your caloric intake.

8.Increases Energy

In Chinese traditional medicine, it was believed that longan could help to balance the Qi, which can improve energy levels, prevent chronic disease, reduce dizziness and boost the metabolism. Millions of anecdotal reports from China confirm the energy-boosting potential of this fruit.

9.Controls Blood Pressure

Potassium, present in longan, has been directly linked to lowering blood pressure. The mineral is a vasodilator, which means that it can release the tension in your blood vessels and arteries, which can ultimately protect the cardiovascular system and reduce your risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.


Research has found that longan can help to balance the electrolytes in the body, and this can, in turn, help to improve the function of the nervous system. [10] The electrical signals required for every action in the body must pass through the electrolytes, so this fruit can help overall function and even muscle movement.

11.Strengthens Immunity

Longan, being a rich source of vitamin C, can give a boost to your immune system in addition to increasing antioxidant activities. [11]

12.Speeds-up Healing

Having a high level of vitamin C also means that this fruit can help in the production of collagen, which is essential for every tissue, cell or muscle in the body. [12] Proper levels of collagen mean that repair can happen effectively and efficiently.

13.Aids in Digestion

Dried and fresh longans have a high fiber content that helps bulk up the stool and promote peristaltic motion. It helps to pass bowel movements and prevent symptoms of constipation, indigestion, diarrhea, bloating, cramping, and general stomach upset, while also improving nutrient uptake efficiency. [14]

14.Improves Memory

Numerous research studies have linked the consumption of longan with improved cognitive abilities, particularly those relating to the formation and retention of memory. [15]

15. Treats Snake Bites

In Vietnam, the seed of the fruit is commonly used to treat snakebites and is usually pressed against the infected area. It contains saponin, which has the ability to absorb venom.

Longan – Select & Store

Choose longans, which are ripe and have a deep tan color, and make sure it is not bruised. The fruit is best had fresh or in dried form. It is also available as canned fruit in syrup. Fresh longans can be refrigerated for up to two weeks.  You will often find it used in soups, puddings, desserts, and as a flavoring agent in certain beverages or dishes.

12 Benefits of Lemon Backed By Research

Many restaurants serve it routinely, and some people start their day with lemon water instead of coffee or tea. There’s no doubt lemons are delicious, but does adding them to water makes your body feel better??
Special Tip: Lemon water is perfect to take with you and sip all day as a delicious, but full of benefits.
Here are 12 benefits of Lemon that will help you get fitter, leaner and improve your overall body.
Each of these claims have research to prove its viability.
1. Improves Heart Strength
Drinking lemon juice is helpful for people suffering from heart problems because it contains potassium. It controls high blood pressure, dizziness, and nausea as it provides a calming sensation to both, the mind and body.
2. Women’s Favorite
If a person drinks lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water and honey, it can help reduce body weight. A research study performed mice confirmed that polyphenols present in it suppress body weight gain and body fat accumulation.
3. Prevents Kidney Stones
Lemon, both from the fresh fruit and from juice concentrates, has more citric acid content than grapefruit juice and orange juice. This is confirmed through a study by Dr. Stephen Nakada, President-Elect of the American Board of Urology.
4. Dental Care
If the fresh lemon juice is applied to the area of a toothache, it can assist in getting rid of the pain. Massaging the juice on the gums can stop gum bleeding while also eliminating the bad odors that can come from various gum diseases and other conditions.
5. Hair Care
Lemon juice has proven itself useful in the treatment of hair care on a wide scale. Its juice, when applied to the scalp can treat problems like dandruff, hair loss and other problems related to the hair and scalp. If you apply this juice directly to the hair, it can give your hair a natural shine.
6. Skin Care
Lemon juice, being a natural antiseptic medicine, can also cure problems related to the skin. The juice can be applied to reduce the pain of sunburns and it helps to ease the pain from bee stings as well.
7. It promotes hydration
According to the Food and Nutrition Board, the dietary reference intake for water is 91 to 125 ounces. This includes water from food and drinks.
8. It’s a good source of vitamin C
Citrus fruits like lemons are high in vitamin C, which is a primary antioxidant that helps protect cells from damaging free radicals.
9. It Freshens Breath
Have you ever rubbed a lemon on your hands to remove a powerful stench? It’s thought to neutralize odors. The same folk remedy may apply to bad breath caused by eating foods with strong smells like garlic, onions, or fish.
10. Relaxes Feet
Lemon is an aromatic and antiseptic agent and is useful for foot relaxation. Add some of its juice to warm water and dip your feet into the mixture for instant relief and muscle relaxation.
11. Treats Rheumatism
It is also a diuretic and can treat rheumatism and arthritis. It helps to flush out bacteria and toxins from the body.
12. Helps Aid Digestion
Acids in lemon water have been reported to slow the digestion processes, which helps you with better absorption of the nutrients passing through your system.
The slower absorption rate helps moderate insulin spikes and improves utilization of the available nutrients in your food.
A good practice is to eat anywhere from a quarter to a half of this little yet powerful citrus fruit per day to get maximum benefits!
If you drink it hot, lemon water is a comforting alternative to other hot beverages. If you drink it cold, it’s refreshing and energizing.
No matter how you enjoy it, lemon water may give you a wellness boost.